Author: Robert Ross


Maple Manor is a family-owned Long Term Care home, operating for over 40 years in the beautiful town of Tillsonburg. We currently offer passionate nursing and person-centered care in our 105-bed facility. Maple Manor continues to review and look at quality measures in the home to improve care. Our mission is “we provide resident-focused care that promotes individuality in a safe and secure home”. 

Maple Manor participates in an accreditation process through CARF International we will be going through the survey process again this June 2024. We continue to seek input from our residents and their families on how we can improve as a home to give the best quality of care. Our active Resident’s Council also joins on suggestions or concerns they have found within the home. Residents have input on meals, special events, programs, outing, guest speakers and many other facets of life within the Home. Sources of recommendations and requests are compiled from surveys, concern/complaint forms, suggestions and Resident/Family Councils, and an open-door policy.

CQI Committee 

Maple Manor has an active CQI Committee which includes participation by a number of key players including the home’s Administrator, DOC and ADOC, the home’s Medical Director, Department Managers/Leads, Registered Dietitian, the homes pharmacy provider, a PSW, a Registered Practical Nurse/Registered Nurse, a member from family and resident council. Currently our CQI lead is Ashley Millen.

The committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year or as determined by the Administrator.

Quality Improvement Priorities

One of our quality improvement priorities is staff retention and satisfaction. Throughout Ontario there is a shortage of frontline employees.  It is becoming increasingly challenging to find the number of personnel required to continue to provide the high-quality levels of care that our residents are accustomed.  We will continue to offer our annual employee satisfaction survey to allow our staff the opportunity to identify areas of need. The CQI committee will review these surveys and use the data to improve staff satisfaction. We will continue to have a staffing plan in place for emergency situations. It is important to note that staff concerns and suggestions are reviewed by the continuous quality improvement committee for consideration. We will look at strengthening our orientation process and look at a mentoring program.

Medication safety is another quality improvement priority being addressed at Maple Manor. Ensuring that residents are taking medications that are appropriate for their diagnosis is integral for ensuring a good quality of life.  Medications should be reviewed quarterly by pharmacists and physicians to reduce polypharmacy.  When needed or if requested medication reviews are completed at care conferences.

Our third area of quality improvement is keeping with the times. With ever changing technology and advancements, one of our improvements is to continue to grow with the new technology and offer more ways to keep residents connected to their loved ones. And improving to real time updates for health on the residents. We look forward to continuing to reinstate in person meetings while remaining prepared to offer virtual interactions when needed. This will also help the home reduce waste of paper to become more environmentally friendly.

Determination of Priorities

Determining the priorities for Maple Manor Nursing Home requires an interdisciplinary approach, with different areas of expertise. Quality may be defined as a stated degree of excellence. In health care, this relates to aspects of resident care and service delivery. The Continuous Quality Improvement program is the plan to ensure that all methods of achieving stated standards and of evaluating them are properly and consistently carried out.   At Maple Manor we conduct regular department meetings to establish and review evaluations, discuss audit reports and provide an avenue for problem solving and idea sharing.  Each Manager is responsible for ensuring audits are conducted in their department, which are then reviewed during CQI committee meetings. Maple Manor only accepts results that exceed 85%

Process to Monitor and Measure Progress 

Maple Manor has established communication to support the monthly and quarterly review of outcomes at regular Management meetings, departmental meetings, professional advisory committee meetings and our quality improvement meetings. Actions could be adjusted at that time to ensure that we are working towards our selected outcomes.  Future steps include developing a written annual report and sharing the results with our stakeholders.  We continue to monitor, evaluate and adjust.


Maple Manor is a family owned Long Term Care home, operating for over 40 years in the beautiful town of Tillsonburg. We currently offer passionate nursing and person centered care in our 103 bed facility. Maple Manor continues to review and look at quality measures in the home to improve care. Our mission is “we provide resident-focused care that promotes individuality in a safe and secure home”. 

Maple Manor participates in an accreditation process through CARF International and has been awarded a three year accreditation. We continue to seek input from our residents and their families on how we can improve as a home to give the best quality of care. Our active Resident’s Council also joins on suggestions or concerns they have found within the home. Residents have input on meals, special events, programs, outing, guest speakers and many other facets of life within the Home. Sources of recommendations and requests are compiled from surveys, concern/complaint forms, suggestions and Resident/Family Councils, and an open-door policy.

The Covid-19 pandemic over the last two years has really shown many challenges, mentally and physically on residents, families and staff. When looking back on some of the challenges we encountered as a home, we realize the need for improvement. We continue to have a strong relationship with Public Health to ensure we are following best practice guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control.   

CQI Committee 

Maple Manor has an active CQI Committee which includes participation by our Administrator, Executive Director, Controller, Human Resources and the Department Managers.  Currently our CQI lead is Ashley Millen.

The committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year or as determined by the Administrator.

Quality Improvement Priorities

One of our quality improvement priorities is staff retention and satisfaction. Throughout Ontario there is a shortage of frontline employees.  It is becoming increasingly challenging to find the number of personnel required to continue to provide the high quality levels of care that our residents are accustomed.  We will continue to offer our annual employee satisfaction survey to allow our staff the opportunity to identify areas of need. The CQI committee will review these surveys and use the data to improve staff satisfaction. We will continue to have a staffing plan in place for emergency situations. We have recently initiated monthly staff appreciation days to help build morale for the staff, to show our appreciation for the hard work and dedication they give to the residents in our home. It is important to note that staff concerns and suggestions are reviewed by the continuous quality improvement committee for consideration.  

Medication safety is another quality improvement priority being addressed at Maple Manor. Ensuring that residents are taking medications that are appropriate for their diagnosis is integral for ensuring a good quality of life.  Medications should be reviewed quarterly by pharmacists and physicians to reduce polypharmacy.  When needed or if requested medication reviews are completed at care conferences.

Our third area of quality improvement is trying to resume having meaningful connections with our residents and families as we learn to adapt post pandemic. During the pandemic we learned social interaction was impacted greatly with residents and staff. With ever changing technology and advancements, one of our improvements is to continue to grow with the new technology and offer more ways to keep residents connected to their loved ones. Our recreation team has been working diligently to expand social programs during the pandemic and to find safe avenues to engage our residents. We look forward to continuing to reinstate in person meetings while remaining prepared to offer virtual interactions when needed.

Determination of Priorities

Determining the priorities for Maple Manor Nursing Home requires an interdisciplinary approach, with different areas of expertise. Quality may be defined as a stated degree of excellence. In health care, this relates to aspects of resident care and service delivery. The Continuous Quality Improvement program is the plan to ensure that all methods of achieving stated standards and of evaluating them are properly and consistently carried out.   At Maple Manor we conduct regular department meetings to establish and review evaluations, discuss audit reports and provide an avenue for problem solving and idea sharing.  Each Manager is responsible for ensuring audits are conducted in their department, which are then reviewed during CQI committee meetings. Maple Manor only accepts results that exceed 85%

Process to Monitor and Measure Progress 

Maple Manor has established communication to support the monthly and quarterly review of outcomes at regular Management meetings, departmental meetings, professional advisory committee meetings and our quality improvement meetings. Actions could be adjusted at that time to ensure that we are working towards our selected outcomes.  Future steps include developing a written annual report and sharing the results with our stakeholders.  We continue to monitor, evaluate and adjust. 

Maple Manor Nursing Home is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.

Volunteering at Maple Manor Nursing Home.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions we have discontinued volunteer activities within the home. As soon as these restrictions are released we will once again welcome volunteers into our home.

At Maple Manor Nursing Home we welcome all Volunteers.

If you need 40 hours to graduate, want to improve on work skills, you are interested in working in Long Term Care or you have some time that you would like to give.

Maple Manor values their Volunteers and show their appreciation for their dedication daily. Maple Manor welcomes Coop students from high schools, colleges and Universities and other educational institutions.

For more information about Volunteer opportunities at Maple Manor Nursing Home

Please contact us at 519-842-3563 for the Volunteer Coordinator